

Increasing productivity and restoring nature through precision biotechnology

Agroper has developed a new type of organic fertilizer that can increase productivity and contains all the necessary micro- and macronutrients.


Chemical fertilizers cause very high costs for rural producers.


Agroper is an ecological product that reduces the cost of fertilizers by 40% and also preserves nature.

Market size 

38 million hectares of agriculture with BRL 500 million in annual revenue

Agroper 2021 Revenue: BRL 303,393.56

Business model 

The commercialization of the biofertilizer takes place in two ways: B2B for distributors and B2C for farmers. The complete and balanced product reduces costs and increases productivity of small, medium and large producers. The product can be used on all types of plants, flowers, fruit trees, vegetables and also on cereals and soybeans.

Competitive advantages

The fertilizer of the future contains all the micro- and macronutrients that a plant and the soil need. In collaboration with renowned universities, the liquid fertilizer has been developed as an innovative, sustainable and highly efficient product that leads equally to a reduction in costs and the renewal of the soil.

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TAM – Total available market

TAM is the total size of the market and corresponds to the long-term potential in perfect conditions without competitors.

SAM – Serviceable available market

SAM is the medium-term potential of a company that can realistically reach its target audience with its current product.

SOM – Realistically available market in the first phase

SOM describes the realistic potential assessment for the first phase of a company.