Our Partner

Learn more about our official partners with whom uShark works to provide our investors with a comprehensive benefit from uShark.

SPV Platform through NFTs as Educational Keys

As our first new partner, Platfair is a knowledge platform. Here is an introduction to Platfair’s business model

At the same time, Platfair works together with MIT professors. Currently with Tatiana Revoredo, who was also responsible for cyber security at Harvard University and also works for the Oxford Blockchain Foundation.

The NFT gives you free access to all the knowledge provided by the platform, as well as the bonus of airdrops in the future. Platfair will also offer the NFTs in the cryptocurrency uShark, helping us to generate cash flow through fees on transactions. Further ideas that we want to implement with Platfair in the future are already being planned, as is the acquisition of additional partners.

Get Global With Globiance

Globiance, our second partner, is a global financial services group with cryptocurrency exchanges and institutions spanning North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Specializing in comprehensive financial services for corporate and retail customers, Globiance offers seamless crypto and fiat currency exchange, stable coin transactions, and efficient worldwide transfers.

With a user-centric approach, Globiance provides integrated individual bank accounts for clients, ensuring a smooth experience in buying and selling crypto with instant fiat withdrawals. The Crypto Processing Gateway allows clients to make cryptocurrency payments with lower fees, no rolling reserve, and guaranteed secure transactions—particularly advantageous for high-risk industries. The Gateway is available in a white-label version for merchants, seamlessly integrating into their platforms.

Our collaboration with Globiance signifies a dynamic partnership focused on innovation and customer satisfaction, with potential future opportunities for additional partnerships.